Contact us
Do you want more information about IDS, do you want to know more about our entire product range or do you want both technical and practical information (delivery times, product availability, etc.)? Whatever your request, we are committed to answering you as soon as possible.
You can also send us an email at: contact[at] or call us at +33 479 843 606
Contact form
To know and exercise your rights, in particular to withdraw your consent to the use of the data collected by this form, please consult our privacy policy..
Our contact details
Z.A. Alpespace
47 Voie St Exupéry
73800 Porte de Savoie
Tél. : +33 (0)4 79 84 36 06
Fax : +33 (0)4 79 84 36 10
Email : contact[at]
Your contacts in France
06 74 71 28 81
• Sébastien GAUTIER
06 72 59 28 17

YOUR CONTACTS around the world
• Gwénaëlle DONATI
+33 633 449 120
• Antoine CAILLEAU
+33 607 373 605